Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2006 has come and gone. The presents were unwrapped, the food eaten and chaos reigned as usual. We had a houseful and every had a good time. The only thing we didn't have was a" White Christmas". The boys kept wishing, but all we got was rain. (I'm sure it will start snowing about the time I need to leave for Virginia.) We did have this robo dino race. I'm not sure who won, but fun was had by all.

Jacob is learning how wheels and pulleys work with his building set.

I'm so glad Jacob is finally old enough to get some games for the "big kids" to play. This was a very intense game of Clue.

Joel and Eli had their own game of Hoops going on. Eli kept saying "go easy on me".
Eli is showing off his "furry friend" he made with his building set.
Here we have my husband's brother Phil and my "sort of" sister-in-law Barbara. Don't they just look too cute!!
Allen's sister Joyce and her husband Guy. (with my mother beaming in the back ground)
Jeff and Stacie trying to figure out one of their "presents".

Gameboy Christmas 2006

As most of you know, we are very big on Gameboys. (How many Mamaw's do you know that have their own red Gameboy Advance.) Jacob is playing this Nintendo DS that he bought with his birthday money. He saved for two years and is so proud of his purchase. ( I don't know, but Mamaw may have to hit Papaw up for an upgrade!!)

Now I'm not sure how Kelli got hold of Jacob's DS, but I did hear her say " Jacob, I think you have played long enough, you need to take a break" and then I saw her playing. I guess being the Mother does give you certain perks. Kelli is wearing her Christmas present. (straightened hair). We told the boys we were going to wrap her hair and put it under the tree.

Joel chilling out with game boy and his new baseball slippers. "What a Life".

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!

I just wanted to take a minute and wish all of our friends and family a very "Merry Christmas". I know everyone is busy today getting ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. ( I heard from a reliable source that Jacob, Joel and Eli were somewhat "hyper" today and driving their Mom and Dad crazy) Paybacks are great aren't they!! A special Merry Christmas to my new "blogging friends". It will be fun to see everyone's Christmas pictures this year. A very special "Merry Christmas" to our daughter Kerri in Virginia. I know if there was any way possible, she would be here, but we are all anxiously waiting for the phone call that will send us on our way to Virginia to see our new grandson. (Papaw says if he comes early before the end of the year, they will have another tax deduction).
I better get back in the kitchen and get busy. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Where is Eli??

We were playing hide and seek when the boys were at the house and this is where Eli wanted to hide. I just thought it was too cute. (of course, I think everything my grandkids do is too cute.) Preparations are in full swing for Christmas. I have my shopping done, almost all the wrapping and one more trip to get groceries and I should be ready. The boys are getting really excited and are counting the days and nights now. Joel told me this morning, "only 4 more nights now, Mamaw". We will miss Kerri and her crew this year, but baby Thumm will be here soon. (Kerri is ready to not be pregnant anymore) I will post pictures as soon as we have the baby. I am getting my bag packed and ready so I can leave on a moment's notice. I've already informed my boss that I will be gone a week sometime soon! Hope everyone has a "Merry Christmas" and that we all remember the "reason for the season" - Jesus. I asked Joel one day who his best friend was in school this year and he said "Jesus" - without any hesitation.

I couldn't put Eli's picture in without having one of Jacob and Joel This was at their birthday party with their new Boston Red Sox hats. Their cousin Danny has "converted" them, but we will still cheer for the "Pirates" whenever we can.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Grandma Farcin

It's Birthday time again and this one is for Grandma Farcin. She is shown here with her "little ones". We have Phil, (with his baby Sundance) Joyce, Grandma Farcin and Allen (aka, Papaw). We had a lot of fun celebrating Grandma's birthday. Today is the big day and we just want to say "Happy Birthday". We love you!!

Some of the other kids at the party were 3 of my favorite people. (Joel, Eli and Jacob) You might remember them from before. You also may have a hard time finding them in this picture as they were decked out in their camo.

Jeff and Stacie - Wedding plans are in full force. - August will be here before we know it!!
This is my nephew Christopher and his girl friend Janna. (Christopher is Allen's sister Joyce's son.)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Jacob

Today is Jacob's ninth birthday. He is a third grader at East Dale Elementary School. Jacob likes baseball, basketball, playing game boy and reading books. It is hard to believe that it has been 9 years since he was born. (Jacob says that I say this every year!) Things were getting pretty dull around our house until these grandkids starting coming and it has been anything but dull since. Papaw and Mamaw love you Jacob and are so proud of the fine young man you are growing up to be. You are such a good big brother. Keep up the good work!!

Jacob at our beach in Litchfield. Sure wish we were there now!!

Jaocb and Joel had their birthday party together. Aunt Joyce made them this cute basketball cake with the scoreboard. Not only was it cute, but it was yummy too!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Tree Trimmers

Last weekend 3 of my favorite people spent 3 nights at my house. Jacob, Joel and Eli stayed with Papaw and Mamaw while their Dad and Mom went away for a 15th Anniversary trip. (Kelli ended up getting sick and having to find a Dr. so I'm not sure how much fun Dad and Mom were having but things were lively at our house) In fact my house seems really quiet now. The boys decorated my tree (and did a really good job), they helped my get out my other decorations, ( I even have a candle ring on a doorknob, but it's starting to grow on me). We went to Jacob's basketball game (we lost by 2 points, but it was a good game) and ate out at the Chinese Buffet. All in all we had a good time. I think the boys did too because the last night, Eli said "I wish we could stay 4 nights". Not to worry, I think Kevin and Kelli have a Christmas party to go to this week-end so we may be blowing up the air mattress again!!

Here we have Jacob, Joel and Eli getting some chicken nuggets and french fries ( as long as I have that in my freezer, they are happy!) Yes, Eli got all his curls cut off. He looks so grown-up now. He said he likes his hair "flat".