Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Jeff

As hard as it is to believe, Jeff is 30 today. We celebrated with a GI Joe party. I went up in the attic and dragged out his old GI Joe toys and Stacie decorated for the party with a camo -GI Joe Theme. We had a houseful for dinner and I think Jeff had a very happy birthday. Here he is with his special Reese Cup birthday cake.

Happy Birthday - GI Joe Style

This was the look on Jeff's face when he realized we had bought him a Wii. I told him this was the last toy I was buying him!!

Stacie bought him some running boards for his truck. I have to say this was the biggest present I have seen in a while. He said his birthday was better than Christmas.

Uncle Phil helped the boys play GI Joe.

Jeff with his new Steeler loot. (we told him he looked like "Big Ben".)

Now we just have to start planning Brian's birthday next month. He will be 40 and I don't know what kind of party we will plan for him!! Any suggestions??

Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Aaron!!

Two years ago today I was speeding to Virginia to get there before Aaron was born. I made it with a half hour to spare. Mamaw was putting the pedal to the metal. Aaron has kept us on the go since day one. We had a little party on New Year's day because we knew he would be back home in Virginia today. He wasn't sure about blowing out the candle so Aaron and "Daddy" helped him. He wasn't too thrilled with us singing Happy Birthday to him either, but when we got to eating the cake......

...... he was just fine.

He sure was a lot of fun over the holidays. He loves playing with his cousins. As soon as he wakes up in the morning at our house he wants to know where Eli, Joel and Jacob are.

Eli liked the cake too, or maybe I should say he liked the icing on the cake

This was Aaron after he watched "Kung Fu Panda". All of a sudden he became the Karate Kid.

Here are the 2 little ones on New Year's Eve. (the big boys were upstairs playing video games.)
Aaron watched all of Kung Fu Panda and then konked out at 10:00. Eli was absolutely miserable from 11:30 to 12:00, but he stayed awake to watch the ball drop. (at one point Eli said our party was the boringest, but we livened up at the end.)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I know this is late, but I've been a little busy the last two weeks. It is a fun kind of busy, but still very busy. The Thumm's have been here on and off for the past two weeks. I got to used to seeing Aaron I am really missing him today. Kerri is on her way home today and hopefully the next trip she makes up here will be when she moves. We think it will be the end of January or the first of Febuary. We are just waiting for the paper work to be done on the loans. We had a very nice Christmas. On the picture above you can see the boys in their "A" shirts. They just love these undershirts and Aaron was mad because his had sleeves in it. (Don't worry, I got him some "A" shirts for his birthday)

In this picture, Aaron is trying to take off with Eli's fish pillow that Joel picked out for him.

Here is the fish in all it's glory!!

Jacob got "Guitar Hero" for his DS. Can you tell from the smile on his face how much he liked it.

Eli was hugging Papaw after he opened him "Mario Galaxy" game for the Wii. The boys were so happy with their gifts and giving so many hugs. It really was a lot of fun.

Aunt Kerri found these car shoes for Eli so we can throw out the old ones he had. They were absolutely in shreds and he didn't want to get rid of them.

Jeff and Stacie opening their presents

Jeff with his GPS from the Thumm's

Brian liked his "tourist shirt". He even wore it on New Year's Eve.

Kevin got some coaching tools!! Baseball of course

The boys loved their Boston Red Sox shirts from the Thumm's.

All in all we had a really good Christmas. Danny was in Maine visiting his Mother and that is why we don't have any pictures of him. I took lots more pictures and if you follow the link at the bottom you can see the rest of them. We got the decorations put away today and I am ready to get things back to normal. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.