Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School

This is the crew I take to school everyday. I go to Kelli's and pick them up. I swing by East Dale and drop Jacob off and then I head to Morgantown to take Joel, Eli and Jessica (she is in Joel's class) to MCA. I'm going to Morgantown every day so it works out for me to take them. Besides you can
only imagine how entertaining my ride is some days. School started on Monday so we already have 3 days under our belt. Eli is doing great (now his Mother is another story, she is a little lonesome).
Last week when Kerri was here, we all went shopping for some school supplies. As you can see from this picture Joel was thrilled when I made him get a picture with his stuff.

Eli was a little more excited with his new school supplies. He went with a "cars" theme. The glue sticks were his favorite purchase. Jacob was definitely not thrilled with his purchases. He did pick out the cool plaid shorts though.
When you asked Eli if he was ready for school, this is what you got - "thumbs down". I saw him Monday evening and he told me (when his brothers weren't around) that he liked school and he wanted to go back. The boys aren't the only ones going back to school. Stacie started Grad School last week at WVU. I think she has been a little overwhelmed with all the work she has already, but we know she is up to the task. Jeff just may have to do a little extra housework.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy 37th Anniversary

Today Allen and I are celebrating our 37th anniversary. It just doesn't seem possible that we have been married that long, but just look at these pictures. We were both 20 years old. We just look so young in these pictures. (No, I'm not going to put before and after pictures up, just use your imagination.) We have been so blessed with 3 kids, 5 grandkids, (so far), good health, all of our needs met, and most of our wants. The Lord has truly been good to us and we thank Him for that.

Dad looks so serious and almost sad. ( I guess he really didn't want me to leave)

Look at all the hair Allen has. There was no receding hair line 37 years ago. Della Dotts made our wedding cake. Sharlene, Marvin and Brent Armstrong. (Brent is the pastor of a church in South Carolina)

The Wedding Party - Paula Phillips, Joyce, Susan Phillips, Darlene, me, Allen, Phil, Larry Davis
front row- Richard, Sharlene, Marvin, Brent and Joe.

We are meeting Phil and his wife Barb tonight for dinner. That's about as crazy as we get anymore. (If you guys want to plan us a big 40th party, you only have 3 years!!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Danny

Wednesday was Danny's 15th birthday. (Yes, I know I'm late). Danny is in Maine right now visiting and having a birthday party today there. I called him on his birthday and he is excited to be 15. (could that have anything to do with "learners permit"? Danny will be a sophomore this year. We hope to see you soon Danny. We love you and miss you!! Happy Birthday

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy First Anniversary

Can you believe it was a year ago today we were all at Jeff and Stacie's wedding?? I asked Stacie what they were going to do today and she said "eat cake". I told them that that everyone says the first year is the hardest so it was smooth sailing from now on and they both looked relieved. (just kidding.) I love this picture of them leaving on their honeymoon with all the bubbles

and this picture of their dance.
Happy Anniversary - Jeff and Stacie. We love you guys!!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Kennywood 2008

Saturday was our annual trip to Kenny-
wood. We had a beautiful day. Not too hot or humid, just a perfect day for riding. We must have had fun because we were there from noon to closing. The kids had a ball in the evening because there were no lines (especially after 9 so they could just go from ride to ride.) Eli spent a lot of the day with Papaw and Mamaw in Kiddyland while the big kids and by big kids I mean Kevin, Kelli, Jeff, Stacie, Jacob and Joel rode the bigger rides. Papaw joined the big kids in the evening and rode the roller coasters. All in all, I think everyone had a very good time and we even got our cotton candy at the end of the day. This roller coaster is the Phantom. I think Jeff and Stacie are in this picture. Joel was still about an inch too short for this ride. He was a little disappointed, but I'm sure he will be tall enough next year.

These four were on a mission to find the best rides. There are a lot of changes at Kennywood, but a lot of it is still the same as it was when I went as a kid, then we took our kids and now we are there with the Grandkids. It's just a really nice family park.

Eli on the Whippersnapper. I have a lot of pictures of Eli, because he was with me a lot. He also is still at the age where he loves to pose for a picture. (I can't say the same for Jacob and Joel, but they do humor me once in a while)
This is the Thunderbolt. Jacob rode it 6 times.
Jaoco had some serious hair issues after riding the Raging Rapids and the Pittsburgh Plunge. They all got soaked, but they loved it.

Kevin and Eli on the Scrambler- I thought Kevin looked "scared".
Eli on the flying saucer.
Joel rode the Kangaroo by himself. The last thing I told him was be sure and hold on because you will be sliding all over that seat. Well, this is what he did!!We got home at 1 o'clock in the morning. That is about 4 hours past my bedtime, but I made it to church Sunday morning. (I could hardly walk, but I made it!!) If you want to see all the pictures you can check them out at the link at the bottom of this post. Stacie has pictures on her blog too. I will have to rest up this week because Kerri will be here next week-end. Allen has a couple of leads on a car for her to replace the one that got totaled and she is going to come and pick it up this week-end (which means I get to see Aaron!!)