Saturday, May 31, 2008

Welcome to New Bloggers

Our ranks are swelling - Check out the two new links on my side-bar. Stacie (my daughter-in-law) and Erin (my nephew's girl friend) have all started a blog. This is getting to be so much fun. I just love keeping up on what everyone is doing. So visit their blog and leave them a comment so they know we are watching and let's see how many friends and family we can get blogging.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Allen goes to New York

Let me start out by saying, (for Danny's peace of mind) we are not Yankee fans, but we do love baseball so when Allen got a chance to go to Yankee stadium and see them play before this stadium is torn down, of course he went. He made the trip last Friday with his friends, Mike Talkington and his son Mikey (who are huge Yankee fans) and Nick Fantasia. They drove up on Friday, watched the evening game (the Yankees won), stayed the night and came back on Saturday. They met up with some people that Mike knew from the area and treated them with authentic Fairmont pepperoni rolls and hot peppers. (that was probably the highlight of the trip for the New York people.)

Here's the crew that went - Mikey, Allen, Mike and Nick
Yankee Field
The whole group, plus a gentlemen that goes to all the home Yankee games. He's a legend at the stadium. (I wonder how he feels about the stadium being demolished)

A view of the scoreboard. Check out the number 57 - that is the number of games left to play in the stadium on the night they were there.
UPDATE ON THUMMS- The Thumms are still holed up in their "home away from home waiting on work to begin on their house. They haven't heard anything about when it will be started. Needless to say, it is not a lot of fun being away from their home. They have to take Danny to school and pick him up - 22 miles each way. They are trying to get the insurance company to find them a place a little closer, but no luck so far. Kerri called me yesterday and said "when you think it can't get any worse, it does. The cable is off in the motel". Aaron kept handing her the remote control and wanting her to turn his cartoon back on. Just pray that work will start on their house soon and things can get back to normal. (I know everyone misses Kerri's posts on her blog, but she doesn't have access to her computer.)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Congratulations Graduate!!

My nephew Shane Rutherford will graduate tonight at his high school in Georgia. I wish it wasn't so far away so we could be there, but we will be thinking of you tonight. We are all so proud of you and wish we could be there to see you walk across that stage and get your diploma. We love you Shane and our prayers go with you as you celebrate this milestone in your life.

Update on the Thumm's - The Thumm's are now settled in a 3 room suite with a kitchenette in the Marriott. A recovery team with a crane removed the tree from their house and they have met with adjusters. They will meet with the contractor on Tuesday and hopefully get an estimate on how long the construction will take. Kerri has taken pictures and as soon as she has access to a computer, I'm sure we will hear this story as only Kerri can tell it. Everyone has asked what they can do and right now everything is being taken care of. Their friends have given them meals, a place to sleep and babysitting for Aaron. (If Aaron was a little older, I would just go down and get him for a few weeks, but he is just too little to be separated from his Mom.)
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers and continue to pray for them as they cope in their "home away from home" and continue to work out the details. I'll keep you posted on any new developments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

UpDate on the Thumm's

If you go to this link you can see a video of Kerri's house. (They made the 6:00 news). They spent the night last night at a friend's house. Hopefully, the insurance adjuster will meet with them today. I will post updates as I get them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Prayer Request for the Thumm's

Today while I was on the phone with Kerri a tree fell on their house. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but there was a good bit of damage. The tree fell right down the middle of the house crashing in the front porch and the living room. The gas and electric have been turned off and the house has been temporarily condemned. Right now they are waiting on their insurance company to see what they do next. Kerri, Danny and Aaron were all in their downstairs family room. We are just thanking the Lord no one was in the living room. Houses and furnishings can all be replaced. Please pray for them as they work out details (even to where they will be sleeping tonight) It's times like this that are so hard when you can't be there to do anything. I will keep everyone posted on any new developments.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Nothing much going on!!

I have had absolutely nothing to put on my blog lately. In the past 10 days, it has rained for 9 of them. We have had ball games cancelled and there hasn't been much of anything going on here but work. So I thought I would post a few of my pictures from the wedding last month (it is almost Nathaniel and Kim's one month anniversary). I'm starting off with a picture of me and my sisters. aka.. Marlene, Darlene and Sharlene. I don't know why no one told me I was supposed to wear black. That is why they look so much thinner than me.

Two of mine cheesing it up. Stacie will soon learn not to get in a picture with Jeff and Kerri. I don't know where Kelli was, but I didn't seem to get her in any of my pictures. (but her and Kevin were there)
One of our favorite things to do in the Inn was to go downstairs in the morning and have our breakfast. We all just took over the dining room and had a blast. Joel has been trying to avoid me and not get his picture taken, but I always win!! Aaron can't figure out what Joel is up to.

Eli and Jacob eating their healthy yogurt. (while the rest of us had belgium waffles)
Philip is checking Aaron out. I tried to get them looking at each other, but they were being shy. You can tell Aaron didn't feel good. He had a nasty cold and didn't feel much like playing.
Eli always has a smile. Very rarely do you see him when he isn't smiling.

Well, this is the best I can do. Hopefully we will get some nice weather and have some things going on here. Allen is actually on his "Trough Trip" this week-end. He is camping out and supposed to go down the trough in his canoe tomorrow, but it is very cold and rainy here, so I'll have to let you know how that went. (I have big plans to clean out some closets this week-end, but I'll have to let you know how that goes too!!)