Happy Birthday Stacie!!
I tried to find a picture of Stacie by herself, but it was impossible. She is always surrounded by either Jeff or one of her nephews. They all love her and want to be with her. When we go to ball games, Eli used to snuggle up to me, now he looks for Stacie. Anyway, today is Stacie's birthday. We are going to have a birthday party tomorrow evening, but we hope she has a special day today. Stacie is getting excited to be on spring break next week and then before long her graduate school will be over. She is starting the process of looking for a job when she graduates so keep her in your prayers that she will find something she really likes. Happy Birthday Stacie. We love you and are glad you are in our family!!

Stacie and Aaron. (I think this was at Nathaniel's wedding)
Thanks for the post, I feel blessed to call you all my family. I know we joke about being eachother's favorite mother/daughter in-law, but I truly do value our relationship, I brag about you to my friends all the time. Thank you for everything, especially your wonderful son who treats me like a princess, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow:)
7:04 PM
Happy birthday, Stacie. I didn't check the blogs over the weekend and I missed the post until today. Hope you had a great celebration. Come see us sometime.
10:23 AM
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