Allen and I recently returned from a trip to Mexico. We made the trip in celebration of our 35th wedding anniversary. We had a great time, the weather was nice and the beaches were beautiful. I do have to say I was glad to get back in the United States. We were at the Riveria Maya and it was an experience to be out of the country. You really don't appreciate what we have here in America until you see how some of the other world lives.

This picture was taken for my grandsons. These little lizards were everywhere. It was hard to get a picture of them because they were so fast, but I managed this one.

The grounds were very pretty and well manicured. The weather was very warm while we were there and very humid. It didn't even cool down in the evenings.

The pools were awesome and seemed to go on forever. I have never seen such big pools. We did a lot of "floating" rather than swimming!!

I just had to put in a picture of these little beach "umbrellas". I have alway wanted to sit under one of this and I got my wish. They were so cute and really kept the sun off of you. I would not have been able to stay out very long without these to sit under.

There were big pools in the entrance ways where these flamingos played all day.

This little "Mexican Band" sang to us at our table. They really were quite good and we enjoyed them.

Another picture of the beach. The water was such a pretty blue and crystal clear and the sand was white. Fish came right up around us when we were in the ocean.