Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

know this is late, but I've been a little busy the last two weeks. It is a fun kind of busy, but still very busy. The Thumm's have been here on and off for the past two weeks. I got to used to seeing Aaron I am really missing him today. Kerri is on her way home today and hopefully the next trip she makes up here will be when she moves. We think it will be the end of January or the first of Febuary. We are just waiting for the paper work to be done on the loans. We had a very nice Christmas. On the picture above you can see the boys in their "A" shirts. They just love these undershirts and Aaron was mad because his had sleeves in it. (Don't worry, I got him some "A" shirts for his birthday)
In this picture, Aaron is trying to take off with Eli's fish pillow that Joel picked out for him.
Here is the fish in all it's glory!!
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