Back to School
This is the crew I take to school everyday. I go to Kelli's and pick them up. I swing by East Dale and drop Jacob off and then I head to Morgantown to take Joel, Eli and Jessica (she is in Joel's class) to MCA. I'm going to Morgantown every day so it works out for me to take them. Besides you can
only imagine how entertaining my ride is some days. School started on Monday so we already have 3 days under our belt. Eli is doing great (now his Mother is another story, she is a little lonesome).
Last week when Kerri was here, we all went shopping for some school supplies. As you can see from this picture Joel was thrilled when I made him get a picture with his stuff.
Eli was a little more excited with his new school supplies. He went with a "cars" theme. The glue sticks were his favorite purchase. Jacob was definitely not thrilled with his purchases. He did pick out the cool plaid shorts though.
When you asked Eli if he was ready for school, this is what you got - "thumbs down". I saw him Monday evening and he told me (when his brothers weren't around) that he liked school and he wanted to go back. The boys aren't the only ones going back to school. Stacie started Grad School last week at WVU. I think she has been a little overwhelmed with all the work she has already, but we know she is up to the task. Jeff just may have to do a little extra housework.