Friday, May 16, 2008

Nothing much going on!!

I have had absolutely nothing to put on my blog lately. In the past 10 days, it has rained for 9 of them. We have had ball games cancelled and there hasn't been much of anything going on here but work. So I thought I would post a few of my pictures from the wedding last month (it is almost Nathaniel and Kim's one month anniversary). I'm starting off with a picture of me and my sisters. aka.. Marlene, Darlene and Sharlene. I don't know why no one told me I was supposed to wear black. That is why they look so much thinner than me.

Two of mine cheesing it up. Stacie will soon learn not to get in a picture with Jeff and Kerri. I don't know where Kelli was, but I didn't seem to get her in any of my pictures. (but her and Kevin were there)
One of our favorite things to do in the Inn was to go downstairs in the morning and have our breakfast. We all just took over the dining room and had a blast. Joel has been trying to avoid me and not get his picture taken, but I always win!! Aaron can't figure out what Joel is up to.

Eli and Jacob eating their healthy yogurt. (while the rest of us had belgium waffles)
Philip is checking Aaron out. I tried to get them looking at each other, but they were being shy. You can tell Aaron didn't feel good. He had a nasty cold and didn't feel much like playing.
Eli always has a smile. Very rarely do you see him when he isn't smiling.

Well, this is the best I can do. Hopefully we will get some nice weather and have some things going on here. Allen is actually on his "Trough Trip" this week-end. He is camping out and supposed to go down the trough in his canoe tomorrow, but it is very cold and rainy here, so I'll have to let you know how that went. (I have big plans to clean out some closets this week-end, but I'll have to let you know how that goes too!!)


Blogger Erin said...

What a pretty picture at the beginning of this blog!

2:33 PM

Blogger good1s said...

you know I was getting a little worried when I had blogged more lately than Marlene....something just wasn't right in the blogging world!!! (and I have 2 blogs going, the family blog & Matthew's soccer team blog....) Scary isn't it?? by the way that is a great picture of you and your sisters...

3:27 PM


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