Friday, May 23, 2008

Congratulations Graduate!!

My nephew Shane Rutherford will graduate tonight at his high school in Georgia. I wish it wasn't so far away so we could be there, but we will be thinking of you tonight. We are all so proud of you and wish we could be there to see you walk across that stage and get your diploma. We love you Shane and our prayers go with you as you celebrate this milestone in your life.

Update on the Thumm's - The Thumm's are now settled in a 3 room suite with a kitchenette in the Marriott. A recovery team with a crane removed the tree from their house and they have met with adjusters. They will meet with the contractor on Tuesday and hopefully get an estimate on how long the construction will take. Kerri has taken pictures and as soon as she has access to a computer, I'm sure we will hear this story as only Kerri can tell it. Everyone has asked what they can do and right now everything is being taken care of. Their friends have given them meals, a place to sleep and babysitting for Aaron. (If Aaron was a little older, I would just go down and get him for a few weeks, but he is just too little to be separated from his Mom.)
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers and continue to pray for them as they cope in their "home away from home" and continue to work out the details. I'll keep you posted on any new developments.


Blogger Sharlene and Greg said...

Congratulations, Shane! What a great milestone to celebrate. We love you and can't wait to see pictures of your big day.

9:30 AM


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