Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Litchfield Beach 2007- Part II

While we were at the beach we made our annual trip to a Pelican baseball game. I'm not sure if the boys were into the game as much as they were into these big tubs of popcorn!! We had a really good time in spite of the two hour rain delay. We got to see some good plays, a couple of home runs, an ejection and some entertainment with the Pelican mascot. The Pelicans won which makes our record at Myrtle Beach games at 2-0.

Lysa thought she would keep out of this picture, but not when I'm taking the picture!!
I think Aaron enjoyed his first "minor" league game. He was so good, even with the rain delay and keeping him up "way" past his bedtime. ( It was way past my bedtime too)
We were beginning to think the game would never start. It kept lightning for a long time, but we hung in there and were glad we did.
At the end of the game, they let all the kids run the bases. Of course our kids were right in front.
Crossing home plate!! If you look at the top of the picture, that is Eli. The Pelican Mascot was on third base and Eli wasn't quite sure about him, so he took a detour to home.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Litchfield Beach 2007 - Part I

Yes, we made it to the beach on Monday, (with me driving). What a long trip. The trip down wasn't so bad, but on the trip home I got so sleepy I could hardly stand it!! I'm just thankful we made it back in one piece. We had a good time, but it sure went fast when you miss out on the first two days. The boys all really love the ocean and never seem to run out of things to do. We have fun just watching them. It was a little rough on Allen this year because he couldn't get in the water, but he went down and sat under the canapy and stood the heat as long as he could.

Papaw got to spend some time with Aaron. We stayed up at the house in the afternoon and tried to get Aaron to take a nap. He didn't always co-operate, but we still had a good time with him. (I have never seen a baby take less naps than this one. He is so afraid he is going to miss something!!)

Eli got very brave this year. He was out in the waves and got knocked around and kept on going!!Joel, Eli, Jacob and Gage (Kerri's friend Lysa and her Mom Sue and Gage were down here with us this week) The boys really had a good time playing together. If you click on this picture and zoom in, you can see the fish the boys caught this day.
Aaron (the beach bum) and Kerri.

Eli and Joel getting ready for another dip in the ocean

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Answered Prayers

Instead of leaving yesterday for the beach as planned, we ended up at the hospital with Allen having a heart catherization. He had been to the doctor to get some medicine for a sore throat and cough and after a chest x-ray and a cat scan his doctor thought he needed this test.(Allen has had no chest pains or shortness of breath, but he does have a family history of heart problems). During the catherization it was determined that he had a 75% blockage in an artery and they put in a stent. We are home now and Allen is doing great. He feels fine and just needs to take it easy for a few weeks. We are planning on leaving on Monday now (with me driving, so Allen may need more medication than he has). He won't be allowed to get in the ocean, but we think laying around the beach house sounds more fun than laying around our house. We are just so thankful that this was found out and corrected before he had any serious problems. Praise the Lord for good doctors and His leading in getting Allen to the doctor so this could be taken care of. We thank all of you for your prayers!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

4th of July Swimming at Aunt Joyce's

The water was cold on the 4th, but that didn't stop Jacob, Joel and Eli. They turned blue and shivered, but they kept on going. Joel was showing off his form here. He can finally touch,but the water is up to his neck!!

Even with the cloudy day, they still have fun and are planning to go again when the sun is out!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. Yes, I staged this picture when Kerri was here with so I could get all the boys in their July 4th t-shirt. Aren't they a handsome group. Aaron is upset because his shirt isn't exactly like the other's but he finally was ok with it. We are heading out this afternoon to a picnic at Aunt Joyce's. The boys are excited to get to go swimming in the pool. It looks like it's clouding up a bit, but hopefully it will hold off for the swim. It doesn't seem like a holiday, I guess that's because I have to go to work tomorrow, but one day off is better than none!!