Answered Prayers
Instead of leaving yesterday for the beach as planned, we ended up at the hospital with Allen having a heart catherization. He had been to the doctor to get some medicine for a sore throat and cough and after a chest x-ray and a cat scan his doctor thought he needed this test.(Allen has had no chest pains or shortness of breath, but he does have a family history of heart problems). During the catherization it was determined that he had a 75% blockage in an artery and they put in a stent. We are home now and Allen is doing great. He feels fine and just needs to take it easy for a few weeks. We are planning on leaving on Monday now (with me driving, so Allen may need more medication than he has). He won't be allowed to get in the ocean, but we think laying around the beach house sounds more fun than laying around our house. We are just so thankful that this was found out and corrected before he had any serious problems. Praise the Lord for good doctors and His leading in getting Allen to the doctor so this could be taken care of. We thank all of you for your prayers!!
We're so thankful Allen is ok. We have been praying for him.. I hope he gets along as good with you driving to the beach. Ha, ha. We will continue prayer until you are back hom safe.. Drive carefully. Linda
10:17 PM
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