Opening Day at the Ball Park
Yesterday we spent 6 hours at the ball park. All three boys had a game. Eli made his debut in t-ball. He was so excited. Finally he got to play instead of watching his brothers. He played very well. He hit the ball and he also caught a pop fly.Eli and Joel were playing at the same time on different fields (right beside each other) so we would watch one for a while and then switch and watch the other. Twice they were both at bat at the same time. Then we had a two hour wait until Jacob's game. It was a nice day to be outside and we just enjoyed sitting around and watching the kids.
Eli played first base, pitcher and catcher. He was very intense. (they don't keep score in t-ball and you can only run one base no matter how hard you hit the ball, but Eli is sure his team won)Here is our Big Leaguer with his well-deserved snack after the game.
Over to Joel's game. He had 2 doubles and a single. He made some good plays at the pitcher position. His team won.
Happy Birthday Kerri!!
Once again it is birthday time in the Farcin family. (I think this is the last one for a while). I put this picture up from when the Thumm's went to the Steeler training camp last summer because Tuesday was also Kerri and Brian's anniversary. Aaron looks so little. (and Danny even got in the picture) Kerri is still recovering from her week-end of traveling, plus Aaron came home with a double ear infection, so I don't know how much celebrating she will be doing today, but we want to wish her a "Happy Birthday". I'm not saying how old she is, but 32 years ago today we had snow flurries. Love you Kerri and wish we could be there!!
Nathaniel and Kim are Married!!
Nathaniel and Kim were married Saturday afternoon in a beautiful ceremony in Findlay Ohio. Nathaniel is number 5 of the cousins to tie the knot. (5 down and 4 to go.) We all had a really good time. Kerri got the prize for the longest drive (13 1/2 hours). By the time they got there Friday evening - all three were stressed to the max. I will put more pictures up later, but I'm off to work right now.
Happy Birthday Kelli
If it wasn't for birthday's around here, just think how few posts I would have on my blog. Today is Kelli's birthday. I took her over a cookie cake this morning with pink flowers and icing on it. I told her boys they had to eat pink icing since it was their mother's birthday. The boys gave her a pink poodle Webkinz. They were real excited about that. Jacob had it hidden in his bed and they really think they pulled one over on their Mom. The boys have baseball practice this evening and "Papaw" is right here at the end of tax season so we are going to celebrate sometime later. (who knows how much later, but we will). Happy Birthday, Kelli - We love you!!!
Can you see the Tiger Stripes??
Jacob had his Mom bring him over today to show me his new look. His Aunt Valerie gave him some tiger stripes and it looks really cute. He can't wait to go to school on Monday and show off his streaks. This is probably the most exciting thing that has happened around here lately. Allen has been at the office till late every night, work for me has been extremely busy, Joel took his Wes-tests at school last week and Eli was down with a cold most of the week.
Here's another view of the extremely "cool" tiger stripes. All three boys have started their baseball practicing. Eli had his first practice today. He said they had to run a lot. He can't wait until he gets his uniform.Eli wants everyone to see his new "cars" shoes. One thing for sure - he should be easy to pick out of a crowd with these shoes on.
Joel finally let me take his picture. I think the tests he took at school just wore him out this week. Thank goodness for these grandkids or I don't know what I would find to put on the blog. (probably a picture of Allen falling asleep on the sofa and me heading to bed at 9:00!! (or earlier) .