Mamaw is Home

I made it back home to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia last evening. I thank the Lord for his traveling mercies. I had absolutely no trouble on the way down or back, not even a missed turn. Plus the weather was great, (not your typical January weather at all) On the way back I thought it was raining, but I realized it was my tears (usually when we leave Allen drives and I cry, this time I had to cry and drive - not a good thing). At least I know I can make the trip by myself so little Aaron needs to be on the look-out. Mamaw may show up on his door step at anytime. When Kelli had her boys, I think Kevin and her were thinking about moving and not leaving a forwarding address, because her house was on my way home from work and for some reason my car just went in that direction and I ended up there just about every day!!
I was going to go over to Kelli's this afternoon and see my other boys and Jacob called me this morning and said "Mamaw, you might not want to come over today, Mommy, Daddy and Joel are sick." I guess they have the same virus Eli had earlier in the week. Everyone has had it now but Jacob. He told me he has been trying not to get it. I hope he doesn't, but the odds aren't in his favor. Hopefully they will get better soon and I can get to see them.

I think Danny is going to be a good baby-sitter.
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