Aaron Scott is Home

Aaron came home Sunday afternoon and is watching his first football game. Mom and baby are doing "great". Aaron likes to be held, (how can we have him spoiled already!) He slept fairly well last night (if someone would hold him) I think when he starts getting his Mom's milk on a regular basis, he will be a pretty content baby. I am having a good time helping to take care of him, but most of the time he really just wants his Mother. Danny was anxious to get to school today and show off his pictures. He had a whole slide show on his Ipod to show his friends.

I thought I would take a picture of him laying in his bed because we have him in there so seldom. This lasted about 2 minutes and he had enough and wanted to be held. (He's a real snuggler)
Kerri can't wait to get him to West Virginia. I think you can count on seeing him sooner rather than later. I will be here all week so I will put up some more pictures soon. Aaron can't wait to meet his cousins, Jacob, Joel and Eli and I know they want to see him!!
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