One day last week we were at Kelli's house and Kevin told Eli he could play his gameboy at 7:30. Eli pulled him up a stool and watched the clock. He kept us informed of the time... 7:13, 7:14, 7:15, etc... We tried to convince him that it time would go faster if he was busy doing something else, but he didn't want to miss his 7:30 "kick-off". Earlier in the evening we had a discussion about how old everyone was and Eli asked "How old is God". Well, you should have heard all of the adults trying to explain to an "almost" 4 year old how God was, is and always will be. After our feeble attempt, he looked as me and said. "so, God is unlimited." I was stunned that a 4 year old could come up with that. I told him that was a very good description of what God is. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that God is unlimited, in his mercy, love and grace. Sometimes I am amazed at how my young grandsons grasp spiritual truths. I am so glad they are learning these truths at such an early age.
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