Happy Birthday Joel
Tomorrow is Joel's Birthday and all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. Joel is 8 years old. He has been counting the days until his birthday for a few weeks now. We are so proud of Joel. He is an "A" student, gives 100% when he is playing sports and is very tender-hearted. When Joel is around, there is never a dull moment. Joel's birthday starts the "season of birthdays' in the family. We seem to have one right after another for a few months. Happy Birthday Joel!! Papaw and Mamaw love you!!The boys stayed all night Saturday while Kelli and Kevin went to a dinner. (it was so much easier to get a picture when they were little.) We had a good time. We had snacks, watched a movie, colored, played games, did some homework and played on the computer. I even managed to get everyone breakfast Sunday morning and get to church on time.
This picture is to tell you story of Eli's missing tooth. He got his front tooth knocked out on the playground last Tuesday. He fell off the sliding board. (You need to hear him tell the story, because he tells it so cute). They called Kelli and she wasn't sure if she needed to go get him or what (because losing a baby tooth isn't the end of the world and she had already made one trip to Morgantown that day to pick up Joel who was sick), but the school secretary said that Eli was sitting in the office with his coat and backpack on and was waiting for someone to come and get him. He is doing fine now. His mouth was sore for a couple of days and the other front tooth is loose and he had some trouble eating, but he is on the mend!!
Happy Birthday, Joel - from all the Trout's! From the picture of the three boys, it is apparent that Joel does not particularly like to have his picture taken. Keep doing it though because I like to see how much they have grown.
2:12 PM
Happy Birthday, Joel!! We love and miss you so much! Be looking in the mail.....xoxo Aunt Kerri
10:05 PM
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