Happy Birthday Jacob!!
Tomorrow Jacob will be 11 years old. He likes to wear this shirt when he goes to practice. Right now he is playing on the 5th grade East Dale Stinger's basketball team. We are so proud of Jacob. He is an A-Student and we just found out the he gets to go to Math Field Day for the second year. Jacob is a joy to be around and we love every minute we spend with him. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Papaw and Mamaw love you!!
Jacob, Joel and Eli came over yesterday and helped me decorate the tree. They are becoming tree trimming experts and Jacob is getting tall enough to reach the top branches. Papaw is waiting until they are old enough to put up the outside lights for him. I just about have the house decorated and most of my shopping done. I haven't wrapped anything yet or baked anything, but I'm getting there. (Everything seems to take so much longer than it used to. It can't be because I am getting older) . Hope everyone has a good week!!
I'm not even close to being ready for Christmas. I have bought very few presents, I only have the tree up - no other decorations or the other tree, and I'm not done with my Christmas cards. It's not like I haven't had 12 months to get ready or anything:) Tell Jacob happy birthday from the Trout's. He looks so grown up. Talk to you later.
9:08 AM
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