Friday, September 26, 2008

Camping 2008

Allen and the Morris's went camping a week-end before school started. I've been meaning to get this pictures uploaded, but you know how it is. (N0, Mamaw did not go, I only camp at a Holiday Inn Express, but I have Allen trained now to get me pictures for my blog. ) They went to the South Branch at Romney. This is where Allen goes every spring for the big "Trough Trip". The boys love it there. They all caught fish. Jeff and Stacey went down for the day. (I had a nice, quiet week-end at home, it was very enjoyable)

If you want to see all the pictures of the camping trip, check out this link:


Blogger Sharlene and Greg said...

I want to go canoing but can't find anyone to go with me. I, however, would hate the camping part. Tell Allen happy birthday for me. I left a message on Kerri's blog today for him.

8:58 AM


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