Christmas Parties
My house is quiet again, my company has gone home and now all I have left is to put away all the Christmas decorations. I don't know about you, but it is a lot more fun to get them out than it is to put them away. (that is why I am leaving mine up for a while!!) We had a lot of fun while everyone was here. We had a party with all the kids and grandkids on the 23rd, went to Kelli and Kevin's house for lasagne on the 24th and had all the Farcin's here on the 25th. (plus a few extras.) We opened lots of present, had lots of food and a lot of family fun. It seems like it is weeks of preparation and then it is over in a few days. We have lots of pictures to remember the good times.
Aaron got a lot of West Virginia clothes including these mittens with a matching hat from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Stacie. He really liked them. He didn't want to take them off.

Looks like a great time with family. We also are left with the decorations to be stored again. It's so wonderful to be with family at these special holiday time. Have a Blessed New Year.
5:34 PM
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