To Virginia and Back

Allen and I made a trip to Virginia this week-end to see everyone there. We had a good time, even though it was a quick trip. Aaron is changing so much and getting so big. We got to go to Danny's ball game and Kerri and I did a little shopping on Saturday morning. I took a lot of pictures so I will just post a few now and a few later. Aaron is getting so used to having the camera stuck in his face, he knows just what to do!!
Papaw and Aaron at the ball game

This is the cutest picture!. Aaron just looks like he adores his Grandma holding him up for the camera. He is sooo cute!! I know you hated to leave him, Linda
10:03 PM
Okay, I just signed up so now I can make comments. We'll see about actually posting pictures but maybe I will this summer with Micah's help.
6:40 PM
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